Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Santa Rosa Tattoos and Blues Convention

Good show to attend. Small and intimate not the usual show I'm used to. Got to do some fun tattoos over the weekend as well as got some new EOG's to the army. Wine tasting was awesome!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

"View from atop of The oldest shop on the west coast"

Come down to Tahiti Felix's Master Tattoo - Downtown San Diego!!

"Coast guard sailor get his first swallow"

This Coast Guardsman gets one swallow until he has logged more nautical miles to earn hos matching swallow on the other side of his chest.

"Custom Pinup for this Navy OS"

Had fun doing this tattoo on this Navy operation specialist.

"Sailor Jerry pinup on Summer"

Did this beauty on Summer, a niece of the late Bob Noble who worked with us from 1998-2000.